The purpose of the company is to increase CSG's efficiency by centralizing purchasing activities across the entire group

CSG DEAL a.s. is responsible for setting uniform and transparent conditions for purchasing activities

About Company

Among other things, the company negotiates central terms and conditions for the purchase of commodities and services of strategic importance, coordinates the involvement of partner companies in the supply chain, participates in or conducts tenders for investments, purchases of strategic materials, goods or services with the potential for corporate use.

Company Address

U Rustonky 714/1
Praha 8, 186 00
Czech Republic

CSG Metalické Prvky
Další informace

Zabýváme se

  • Conducts tenders for strategic materials, goods, services with potential for corporate use
  • Participates in tenders for the acquisition of investments (machinery and equipment)
  • Participates in the selection of partners and suppliers for facility services (energy, leasing, maintenance)
  • Concludes framework agreements with strategic partners
  • Consolidates group requirements for the supply chain
  • Handles transport and logistics issues in a holding company
  • Works with internal departments within CSG to select suppliers for HRE, ICT
  • Participates in the selection of strategic, group suppliers
  • Participates in new business opportunities within CSG, acquisitions and prospecting for potential CSG business areas
  • Cooperates with institutions providing legislative, approval and certification processes
  • CSG) logo metalýza